obálka Zlatý řez 29 / 2007
obálka Zlatý řez 1 / 1992, velkorysý formát odpovídal poměru zlatého řezu
obálka Zlatý řez 1 / 1992, velkorysý formát odpovídal poměru zlatého řezu
Zlatý řez 30/2008
Praha, Česká republika
Zlatý řez is a magazine for modern and contemporary architecture seen within its general cultural context. The history of Zlatý řez goes back to 1989 when an informal group of young architects Zlatí orli (Golden Eagles) was established, followed by Zlatá škola architektury (Golden School of Architecture). The original subtitle "magazine for beauty in art and architecture" expressed the ambition to publish positive examples of contemporary architectural and art work rather than strive for critical reflection of the discipline. Since mid-1990s the magazine appears in the form of thematical volumes, focusing on topical issues of contemporary architecture. The magazine does not have a fixed formal structure and every issue is an original in terms of graphic design.
Years: 1992 – yet
Number of issues: 31
Publisher: Zlatý řez, občanské sdružení
Editors-in-chief: Jana Tichá od 1999, Michal Kohout 1993-1999, Milena Sršňová 1992-1993
Editors: Irena Fialová, Roman Koucký, Michal Kohout, Luboš Pata (redakční rada)
Art director / design: Tomáš Machek 1992 - 2005, Petr Babák 2006 - doposud
Photos: různé
last updated 19/3/09